Sunday, 15 June 2014

To Dads who like adventures!

My Dad has always been one for adventures... not always intentionally I should add - the majority of his mad escapades resemble episodes of Fawlty Towers or Mr Bean! However this summer he really has undertaken a big adventure by embarking on a voyage around the United Kingdom with friends. I think it was my Mom's idea originally although I don't think she thought the trip would be planned and followed through so quickly! Nonetheless all the crew have had fun so far and no doubt my Dad's determination and energy has spurred everyone on! You can follow his adventures on the Yacht Raven at his own blog here: 

Dad, I have missed you whilst you have been away and look forward to seeing you next weekend and hearing all about your travels! Here is a sneak peek of your Father's Day card!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

The colour black


lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it.

characterized by absence of light; enveloped in darkness: a black night.

Today's colour is black. Quiet, practical, composed, ambiguous, conservative, uncertain, bold.
Black is a contradiction - it is both the combination of all the colours and the absence of any colour. It is commonly associated with negativity, mourning, solemnity, hopelessness. Yet black is also hope. It could be hiding a million possibilities. Black only exists in our imaginations - there is nothing in the natural world that is completely black.  

 Things that are good that are black:

Black cats
Blackberry and apple stew made by my Mum
Black patent shoes
'Blackbird' by the Beatles
Black Indian ink
A black starry sky.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Let Go

It has been a year since I last updated my blog, but after some encouragement from family - I finally decided to start again...
I thought I would start it off with a quote which seems to be applicable to more than one area of my life at the moment.